
Aleut 10/18/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Aleut 10/18/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Aleut   Let's Get Wordy!®

Aleut 10/18/2013 Definition of the Day

Aleut - a member of the #people inhabiting the #Aleutian #Islands and southwestern #Alaska #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #Aleut #definition

Villain 10/17/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Villain 10/17/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Villain   Let's Get Wordy!®

Villain 10/17/2013 Definition of the Day

villain - a #wicked or #evil #person ; someone who does #evil deliberately #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #villain #definition

Bucolic 10/16/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Bucolic 10/16/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Bucolic   Let's Get Wordy!®

Bucolic 10/16/2013 Definition of the Day

bucolic - a short #poem descriptive of #rural or #pastoral #life #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #bucolic #definition

Superficial 10/15/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Superficial 10/15/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Superficial   Let's Get Wordy!®

Superficial 10/15/2013 Definition of the Day

superficial - of #little #substance or significance "a few superficial editorial changes" #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #superficial #definition

Rocket 10/14/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Rocket 10/14/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Rocket   Let's Get Wordy!®

Rocket 10/14/2013 Definition of the Day

rocket - #shoot up #abruptly like a rocket " #prices will #skyrocket " #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #rocket #definition

Poet 10/13/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Poet 10/13/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Poet   Let's Get Wordy!®

Poet 10/13/2013 Definition of the Day

poet - a #writer of #poems ; the term is usually reserved for #writers of good #poetry #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #poet #definition

Sea 10/12/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Sea 10/12/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #sea   Let's Get Wordy!®

Sea 10/12/2013 Definition of the Day

sea - anything apparently limitless in quantity or volume #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #sea #definition

Peanut 10/11/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Peanut 10/11/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Peanut   Let's Get Wordy!®

Peanut 10/11/2013 Definition of the Day

peanut - a #young #child who is #small for his #age #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #peanut #VoiceDictionary #android

Worm 10/10/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Worm 10/10/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Worm   Let's Get Wordy!®

Worm 10/10/2013 Definition of the Day

worm - a person who has a nasty or unethical character undeserving of respect #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #worm #definition

Seizure 10/09/2013 Definition of the Day

seizure - the act of #forcibly #dispossessing an #owner of #property #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #seizure

Seizure 10/09/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Seizure 10/09/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Seizure   Let's Get Wordy!®

Ascetic 10/08/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Ascetic 10/08/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Ascetic   Let's Get Wordy!®

Ascetic 10/08/2013 Definition of the Day

ascetic - someone who practices self denial as a #spiritual #discipline #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #ascetic #definition

Barbarian 10/07/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Barbarian 10/07/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Barbarian   Let's Get Wordy!®

Barbarian 10/07/2013 Definition of the Day

Barbarian - a #crude uncouth ill-bred #person lacking #culture or #refinement #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #Barbarian

Vigilance 10/06/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Vigilance 10/06/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Vigilance   Let's Get Wordy!®

Vigilance 10/06/2013 Definition of the Day

vigilance - paying close and continuous attention "vigilance is especially susceptible to fatigue" #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #vigilance

Medium 10/05/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Medium 10/05/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Medium   Let's Get Wordy!®

Medium 10/05/2013 Definition of the Day

medium - the surrounding #environment "fish require an #aqueous medium" #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #medium

Satellite 10/04/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Satellite 10/04/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Satellite   Let's Get Wordy!®

Satellite 10/04/2013 Definition of the Day

satellite - surrounding and dominated by a central authority or power "a city and satellite communities" #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #satellite

Blunder 10/03/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Blunder 10/03/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Blunder   Let's Get Wordy!®

Blunder 10/03/2013 Definition of the Day

blunder - make one's way clumsily or blindly "He fumbled towards the door" #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #blunder

AIDS 10/02/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

AIDS 10/02/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #AIDS   Let's Get Wordy!®

AIDS 10/02/2013 Definition of the Day

AIDS - a serious disease of the immune system transmitted through #blood products esp. by #sexual contact #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #AIDS

October 10/01/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

October 10/01/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #October   Let's Get Wordy!®

October 10/01/2013 Definition of the Day

October - the month following #September and preceding #November #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #October

Fanatic 09/30/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Fanatic 09/30/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Fanatic   Let's Get Wordy!®

Fanatic 09/30/2013 Definition of the Day

fanatic - marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea "rabid isolationist" #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #fanatic

Scooter 09/29/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Scooter 09/29/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Scooter   Let's Get Wordy!®

Scooter 09/29/2013 Definition of the Day

scooter - a #sailing #vessel with #runners and a cross-shaped frame; #suitable for #traveling over #ice #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #scooter

Cryonics 09/28/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Cryonics 09/28/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Cryonics   Let's Get Wordy!®

Cryonics 09/28/2013 Definition of the Day

cryonics - #freezing of a seriously #ill or recently #deceased #person to stop tissues from #decomposing #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #cryonics

Minister 09/27/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Minister 09/27/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Minister   Let's Get Wordy!®

Minister 09/27/2013 Definition of the Day

minister - #person #appointed to a high #office in the #government " Minister of #Finance " #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #minister

Debate 09/26/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Debate 09/26/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Debate   Let's Get Wordy!®

Debate 09/26/2013 Definition of the Day

debate - #discuss the #pros and #cons of an #issue #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #debate

Proclamation 09/25/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Proclamation 09/25/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Proclamation   Let's Get Wordy!®

Proclamation 09/25/2013 Definition of the Day

proclamation - a formal public statement "a declaration of independence" #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #proclamation

Diplomat 09/24/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Diplomat 09/24/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Diplomat   Let's Get Wordy!®

Diplomat 09/24/2013 Definition of the Day

diplomat - an #official engaged in #international #negotiations #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #diplomat

Desperado 09/23/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Desperado 09/23/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Desperado #criminal   Let's Get Wordy!®

Desperado 09/23/2013 Definition of the Day

desperado - a bold outlaw; especially on the #American #frontier #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #desperado

Repugnant 09/22/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Repugnant 09/22/2013 GFX Definition of the Day #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Repugnant   Let's Get Wordy!®

Repugnant 09/22/2013 Definition of the Day

repugnant - offensive to the mind "an abhorrent deed"; "the obscene massacre at Wounded Knee";  #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #repugnant

Apothecary 09/21/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Apothecary 09/21/2013 GFX Definition of the Day #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Apothecary   Let's Get Wordy!®

Apothecary 09/21/2013 Definition of the Day

apothecary - #pillpusher a #health #professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #apothecary

Rickshaw 09/20/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Rickshaw 09/20/2013 GFX Definition of the Day #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Rickshaw   Let's Get Wordy!®

Rickshaw 09/20/2013 Definition of the Day

rickshaw - a small two-wheeled cart for one #passenger ; pulled by one #person #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #rickshaw

Underground 09/19/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Underground 09/19/2013 GFX Definition of the Day #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Underground   Let's Get Wordy!®

Underground 09/19/2013 Definition of the Day

underground - a #secret group organized to #overthrow a #government or #occupation #force #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #underground

Clash 09/18/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Clash 09/18/2013 GFX Definition of the Day #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Clash   Let's Get Wordy!®

Clash 09/18/2013 Definition of the Day

clash - a loud #resonant repeating #noise "he could hear the #clang of distant bells" #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #clash

Flat 09/17/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Flat 09/17/2013 GFX Definition of the Day #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Flat   Let's Get Wordy!®

Flat 09/17/2013 Definition of the Day

Flat - a #shallow box in which #seedlings are started #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #Flat

Jail 09/16/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Jail 09/16/2013 GFX Definition of the Day #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Jail   Let's Get Wordy!®

Jail 09/16/2013 Definition of the Day

jail - lock up or #confine in or as in a jail " The suspects were #imprisoned without #trial " #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #jail

Garden 09/15/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Garden 09/15/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Garden   Let's Get Wordy!®

Garden 09/15/2013 Definition of the Day

garden - a plot of #ground where plants are #cultivated #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #garden

Tariff 09/14/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Tariff 09/14/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Tariff   Let's Get Wordy!®

Tariff 09/14/2013 Definition of the Day

tariff - a #government #tax on #imports or #exports #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #tariff

Anthem 09/13/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Anthem 09/13/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Anthem   Let's Get Wordy!®

Anthem 09/13/2013 Definition of the Day

anthem - a song of #devotion or #loyalty as to a #nation or #school #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #anthem

Paleolithic 09/12/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Paleolithic 09/12/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Paleolithic   Let's Get Wordy!®

Paleolithic 09/12/2013 Definition of the Day

paleolithic - of or relating to the second period of the #StoneAge "paleolithic #artifacts " #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #paleolithic

Placid 09/11/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Placid 09/11/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Placid   Let's Get Wordy!®

Placid 09/11/2013 Definition of the Day

placid - not easily #irritated ; "an equable temper" #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #placid

Breathalyzer 09/10/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Breathalyzer 09/10/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Breathalyzer   Let's Get Wordy!®

Breathalyzer 09/10/2013 Definition of the Day

breathalyzer - device that measures #chemicals esp. #alcohol content in a person's expired #breath #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #breathalyzer

Perambulator 09/09/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Perambulator 09/09/2013 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Perambulator   Let's Get Wordy!®

Perambulator 09/09/2013 Definition of the Day

perambulator - a small #vehicle with four wheels in which a #baby or #child is pushed around #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #perambulator

Absolute 09/08/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Absolute 09/08/2013 GFX Def #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Absolute   Let's Get Wordy!®

Absolute 09/08/2013 Definition of the Day

Absolute - #perfect or complete or #pure "absolute loyalty" #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #absolute

Lampoon 09/07/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Lampoon 09/07/2013 GFX Def #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Lampoon   Let's Get Wordy!®

Lampoon 09/07/2013 Definition of the Day

Lampoon - #ridicule with #satire ; " The #writer #satirized the politician's #proposal " #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #Lampoon

Trench 09/06/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

ATrench 09/06/2013 GFX Def #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Trench   Let's Get Wordy!®

Trench 09/06/2013 Definition of the Day

Trench - #cut or #carve deeply into; " #letters trenched into the #stone " #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #trench

Pneumonia 09/05/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Pneumonia 09/05/2013 GFX Def #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Pneumonia   Let's Get Wordy!®

Pneumonia 09/05/2013 Definition of the Day

pneumonia - respiratory disease characterized by inflammation of the lung parenchyma (excluding bronchi) #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #pneumonia

Swamp 09/04/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Swamp 09/04/2013 GFX Def #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Swamp   Let's Get Wordy!®

Swamp 09/04/2013 Definition of the Day

Swamp - a situation fraught with difficulties and #imponderables "he was #trapped in a #medical swamp" #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #Swamp

Coast 09/03/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Coast 09/03/2013 GFX Def #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Coast   Let's Get Wordy!®

Coast 09/03/2013 Definition of the Day

Coast - the #area within #view ; "the coast is clear" #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #coast #definition #voicedictionary

ATM 09/02/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

ATM 09/02/2013 GFX Def #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #ATM   Let's Get Wordy!®

ATM 09/02/2013 Definition of the Day

ATM - unattended #machine (outside some banks) that dispenses #money when a #personal #coded #card is used #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #ATM

Shell 09/01/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Shell 09/01/2013 GFX Def #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Shell   Let's Get Wordy!®

Shell 09/01/2013 Definition of the Day

shell - remove from its shell or outer covering; "shell the legumes" #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #shell

Polish 08/31/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Polish 08/31/2013 GFX Def #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Polish   Let's Get Wordy!®

Polish 08/31/2013 Definition of the Day

Polish - of or relating to #Poland or its #people or #culture #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #Polish

Solicitor 08/30/30/2013 GFX Definition of the Day

Solicitor 08/30/30/2013 GFX Def #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #Solicitor   Let's Get Wordy!®

Solicitor 08/30/30/2013 Definition of the Day

solicitor - a #British #lawyer who gives #legal #advice and prepares legal #documents #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #solicitor