
Showing posts with the label paper

papyrus 10/01/2017 GFX Definition of the Day

papyrus 10/01/2017 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #papyrus   Let's Get Wordy!®

papyrus 10/01/2017 Definition of the Day

papyrus - #paper made from the papyrus #plant by cutting it in #strips and pressing it #flat #LetsGetWordy #DailyDef #papyrus

deckle 06/10/2014 GFX Definition of the Day

deckle 06/10/2014 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #deckle   Let's Get Wordy!®

deckle 06/10/2014 Definition of the Day

deckle - #rough #edge left by a #deckle on #handmade #paper or produced #artificially on machine-made #paper #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #deckle