
Showing posts with the label runoff

runoff 01/04/2021 GFX Definition of the Day

runoff 01/04/2021 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #runoff   Let's Get Wordy!®

runoff 01/04/2021 daily definition

runoff - a #final election to #resolve an earlier #election that did not #produce a #winner #dailydef #letsgetwordy #runoff

runoff 12/05/2020 Definition of the Day

runoff - the #occurrence of #surplus #liquid (as #water ) #exceeding the #limit or #capacity #dailydef #letsgetwordy #runoff

runoff 12/05/2020 GFX Definition of the Day

runoff  12/05/2020 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #runoff   Let's Get Wordy!®