
slapdash 04/09/2016 GFX Definition of the Day

slapdash 04/09/2016 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #slapdash   Let's Get Wordy!®

slapdash 04/09/2016 Definition of the Day

slapdash - marked by great #carelessness #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #slapdash

putative 04/08/2016 GFX Definition of the Day

putative 04/08/2016 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #putative   Let's Get Wordy!®

putative 04/08/2016 Definition of the Day

putative - #purported ; #commonly put #forth or #accepted as #true on #inconclusive #grounds #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #putative

slither 04/07/2016 GFX Definition of the Day

slither 04/07/2016 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #slither   Let's Get Wordy!®

slither 04/07/2016 Definition of the Day

slither - to pass or move #unobtrusively or #smoothly #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #slither

trap 04/06/2016 GFX Definition of the Day

trap 04/06/2016 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #trap   Let's Get Wordy!®

trap 04/06/2016 Definition of the Day

trap - #device in which something ( usually an #animal ) can be #caught and #penned #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #trap

hydraulic 04/05/2016 GFX Definition of the Day

hydraulic 04/05/2016 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #hydraulic   Let's Get Wordy!®

hydraulic 04/05/2016 Definition of the Day

hydraulic - moved or operated or effected by #liquid ( #water or #oil ) #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #hydraulic

offshore 04/04/2016 GFX Definition of the Day

offshore 04/04/2016 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #offshore   Let's Get Wordy!®

offshore 04/04/2016 Definition of the Day

offshore - at some #distance from the #shore #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #offshore

corpulence 04/03/2016 GFX Definition of the Day

corpulence 04/03/2016 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #corpulence   Let's Get Wordy!®

corpulence 04/03/2016 Definition of the Day

corpulence - the #property of #excessive #fatness #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #corpulence

gadget 04/02/2016 GFX Definition of the Day

gadget 04/02/2016 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #gadget   Let's Get Wordy!®

gadget 04/02/2016 Definition of the Day

gadget - #device or #control that is very #useful for a #particular #job #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #gadget

prank 04/01/2016 GFX Definition of the Day

prank 04/01/2016 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #prank   Let's Get Wordy!®

prank 04/01/2016 Definition of the Day

prank - #ludicrous or #grotesque #act done for #fun and #amusement #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #prank

tartan 03/31/2016 GFX Definition of the Day

tartan 03/31/2016 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #tartan   Let's Get Wordy!®

tartan 03/31/2016 Definition of the Day

tartan - a #cloth having a #crisscross #design #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #tartan