
racketeer 06/11/2016 GFX Definition of the Day

racketeer 06/11/2016 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #racketeer   Let's Get Wordy!®

racketeer 06/11/2016 Definition of the Day

racketeer - #carry on #illegal #business activities involving #crime #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #racketeer

delete 06/10/2016 GFX Definition of the Day

delete 06/10/2016 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #delete   Let's Get Wordy!®

delete 06/10/2016 Definition of the Day

delete - #wipeout #digitally or #magnetically #recorded #information #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #delete

bourgeoisie 06/09/2016 GFX Definition of the Day

bourgeoisie 06/09/2016 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #bourgeoisie   Let's Get Wordy!®

bourgeoisie 06/09/2016 Definition of the Day

bourgeoisie - the #socialclass between the #lowerclass and upperclass #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #bourgeoisie

shallow 06/08/2016 GFX Definition of the Day

shallow 06/08/2016 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #shallow   Let's Get Wordy!®

shallow 06/08/2016 Definition of the Day

shallow - not #deep or #strong ; #not affecting one #deeply #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #shallow

graft 06/07/2016 GFX Definition of the Day

graft 06/07/2016 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #graft   Let's Get Wordy!®

graft 06/07/2016 Definition of the Day

graft - the #practice of #offering something (usually money) in order to gain an #illicit #advantage #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #graft

paunch 06/06/2016 GFX Definition of the Day

paunch 06/06/2016 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #paunch   Let's Get Wordy!®

paunch 06/06/2016 Definition of the Day

paunch - a #protruding #abdomen #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #paunch

jumpsuit 06/05/2016 GFX Definition of the Day

jumpsuit 06/05/2016 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #jumpsuit   Let's Get Wordy!®

jumpsuit 06/05/2016 Definition of the Day

jumpsuit - #OnePiece #garment fashioned after a parachutist's #uniform #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #jumpsuit

clandestine 06/04/2016 GFX Definition of the Day

Add caption #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #clandestine   Let's Get Wordy!®

clandestine 06/04/2016 Definition of the Day

clandestine - conducted with or marked by #hidden #aims or #methods #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #clandestine

biodefense 06/03/2016 GFX Definition of the Day

biodefense 06/03/2016 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #biodefense   Let's Get Wordy!®

biodefense 06/03/2016 Definition of the Day

biodefense - procedures involved in taking defensive measures against attacks using biological agents #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #biodefense

pundit 06/02/2016 GFX Definition of the Day

pundit 06/02/2016 GFX Definition #LetsGetWordy #dailygfxdef #pundit   Let's Get Wordy!®

pundit 06/02/2016 Definition of the Day

pundit - #someone who has been #admitted to #membership in a #scholarly #field #LetsGetWordy #dailydef #pundit